Sister Mary Catherine Fallon, MM
Born: January 1, 1864
Entered: May 14, 1914
Died: September 16, 1930
Sister Mary Catherine Fallon died on September 16, 1930. She was 66 years old and a Maryknoll Sister for 16 years.
Katherine Gertrude (Mary Catherine) was born on January 1, 1864, in Boston, Massachusetts ,to Ann (Jordan) and Patrick Fallon. Her education consisted of private training with the Religious of the Sacred Heart for a period of ten years. After her education, Katherine conducted a successful business for several years. She did not join Maryknoll until later on in her life. It was not until the death of her father in January 1913 that she began to think seriously about becoming a religious. Katherine began writing to Maryknoll and on May 14, 1914, she became a Maryknoll Sister, taking the name Sister Mary Catherine.
Sister served in Seattle, Washington, as a teacher. She became ill in 1923 and underwent treatment. Sister’s condition then began to improve and she went back to her mission work.
Despite not having felt well recently, Sister Mary Catherine decided to go on a beach retreat with nine other Sisters to a cottage on Chesapeake Bay. She insisted that the beach was all she needed to restore her well-being. However, upon arrival at the cottage, Sister collapsed and died later that evening. We are all shocked at the sudden loss of Sister Mary Catherine.
Let us all thank God for the life of Mary Catherine, our sister, who has made known to us and to all she knew in her entire mission life the love that Christ has revealed to us and continues to reveal to us everyday through one another.