Sister Mary Patricio Hughes, MM
Born: June 4, 1905
Entered: October 15, 1926
Died: September 25, 1978
“Sister Mary Patricio Hughes, daughter of Michael Hughes and Margaret Murray, went home to her God and family on Monday, September 25, 1978.”
This was the simple and single message that Sister Patricio requested be shared with her Sisters at the time of her death. To all of us who have shared life with her within our Maryknoll Community, it speaks of the deep faith, gentleness, and commitment to Christ, which so characterized her life as a Maryknoll Sister.
Margaret Mary Hughes was born on June 4, 1905 in Ballynagrally, Ireland. She came to the United States in 1922 and entered Maryknoll on October 15, 1926 from Milton, Massachusetts. She made her first vows on April 30, 1929, and her final vows three years later at Los Altos, California.
During her fifty years as a Maryknoll Sister, she shared her talents and gifts through sewing and other homemaking and community building tasks in a variety of assignments in the United States including Bethany, the Venard, Los Altos, Honolulu, and the Center.
Sister was diagnosed with an illness in 1976. In May of 1978 her condition worsened and she went to Bethany. All during Sister Patricio’s illness her sister, Sister Mary Faith, was present and ministering to her. She travelled back and forth to Bethany each day, encouraging and supporting Sister Patricio with her friendship and love.
May we ask that each local community have the Eucharist celebrated for Sister Mary Patricio who is now truly “at home with her God”.