Sister Mary St. Teresa Hayden, MM
Born: October 14, 1889
Entered: October 15, 1925
Died: June 4, 1965
Friday morning, June 4, about 11:40, our good Sister Mary St. Teresa made complete her loving oblation to God, Who took her to Himself.
On April 26, it was decided to have Sister receive the benefit of ‘around-the-clock’ nursing care, so she was welcomed by the sisters at Bethany. A few days ago, Doctor de Augustino had Sister admitted to Phelps Memorial Hospital for further tests, which were never carried out, since Sister became progressively worse and there was little hope for her recovery.
Before Mass yesterday morning we received a call summoning us to the hospital. Sister rallied after a bit to receive Holy Viaticum. Truly we were one with her in her loving offering of herself to God at this great moment of her encounter with Him.
Sister Mary St. Teresa (Mary Teresa Hayden) was born in Charlestown, Massachusetts, on October 14, 1889. She entered Maryknoll after a successful business career, on October 15, 1925, and was Professed on April 30, 1928. Within a few months, Sister was appointed Superior at Bethany. While Sister was at Bethany she was a source of comfort to her sister, Sister Xavier Marie Hayden, who was ill in our infirmary. Sister Mary St. Teresa was in Hong Kong when Sister Xavier Marie went to God, on her own Final Profession day.
Sister Mary St. Teresa’s religious life was one of devoted service to the Congregation and to every individual Sister who came under her care. As Superior at Bethany, Hong Kong, Mountain View, Boston Chinatown, and Crichton House, she was the just, kind, generous guardian of our family spirit. Her last years in the Promotion Department — 1959 until the present time — revealed the goodness, loyalty and fidelity of a fruitful life as a true Maryknoll Sister.
Since 1961, following repeated treatment, Sister had not been well, but she carried her cross of suffering and weakness with patience and gracious acceptance. Her words of gratitude and her beautiful smile for all, reflected the peace and beauty of her soul.
Sister Mary St. Teresa’s precious remains will be with us at the Motherhouse on this first Saturday of June, and for the Feast of Pentecost. She will be buried on Monday, June 7, after a Solemn Requiem Mass at 11 o’clock in the Motherhouse Chapel.