Sister Mary Stephen O'Donnell, MM
Born: September 20, 1885
Entered: October 4, 1919
Died: December 22, 1968
In lieu of a letter to the Sisters at the time of Sister Stephen’s death, the following was prepared from her record:
Julia O’Donnell (Sr. Mary Stephen) was born on September 20, 1885, in Ireland. She arrived in the United States on April 12, 1906. Julia entered Maryknoll on October 4, 1919, and received the name Sr. Mary Stephen. She professed on August 5, 1921.
Two weeks after Profession, in August 1921, Sr. Stephen was assigned to the Venard. Two years later she moved to Seattle, WA where she remained until her assignment to the Motherhouse in 1928.
In 1945, when the character of Bethany was changed from a Guest House to that of a convent for our sick and aging, Sr. Stephen was assigned to the staff, where she helped on crafts and, through the years, was of invaluable assistance in the infirmary, especially with Sisters in their last illness.
She died at Phelps Memorial Hospital on December 22, 1968.