Sister Mary T. Connell, MM
Born: October 26, 1936
Entered: September 2, 1956
Died: August 26, 2024
“As one lamp lights another nor grows less, so nobleness enkindles nobleness.” (Lowell) “Adaptability is the power of creating anywhere we may be sent, the feeling of fitting in and doing anything we are asked to do.” (MMJ 1930)
The life we are gathered here to celebrate today, Mary Theresa Connell, was a life of adaptability and light: Adaptability to move quietly and courageously into unknown fields with a spirit of total giving in service; and of light, as many lamps were lit as she moved along in her missionary life, never losing the light she carried within her.
On August 26, 2024, shortly after midnight, our dear Sr. Mary Theresa Connell breathed her Nunc Dimittis: “Lord, you now have set your servant free to go in peace as you have promised.”
Mary T, as she was fondly known and called, was born on October 26, 1936, in Downpatrick, Northern Ireland, to Bridget (Conwan) Connell and James J. Connell. She was the second of five children, two brothers, James and Richard, and two sisters Jean and Ann. All have predeceased her.
In 1954, Mary graduated from St. Jean Baptiste High School in New York City and went on to attend Pace College in New York for a Secretarial course. At this time, Mary was working for the Federal Reserve Bank in New York City in order to assist the family. In 1956, Mary inquired about joining the Maryknoll Sisters. In the process, Mary had to become a naturalized citizen of the USA, which she did in 1956. Her application was approved and she entered Maryknoll with 72 other young women on September 2, 1956 at Maryknoll, NY. She made her first vows on June 24, 1959. Her Novice Mistress, Sr. Miriam Therese Lang, said of her: “Mary is strong in body and in character, firm, mature and eminently sensible.” All of these virtues and more continued to live on and deepen in Mary throughout her life.
After Profession, Mary was assigned to the Sponsor Office in the Development Department at Maryknoll, New York. Hoping for an overseas mission assignment, she soon realized that none of her entrance group, the Father Cotta group, were assigned overseas. Some went to Bethany to care for our elder sisters, some to the Field Afar, others to our Schools in Chinatown and the Bronx.
Joy filled the Center when assignments came out in June 1963, and Mary was assigned to Korea. To give her some background, she was sent to study at St Francis Xavier University, Coady Institute, Antigonish, Nova Scotia, for a Diploma in Social Leadership. In 1964, Mary was on her way to Korea and language school at Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea.
During this time Mary requested and was approved for Final Vows. In preparation, Mary wrote: “For the first time in my Religious life, I am truly at Peace (and not at pieces)! The basis for my peace is a deeper grasp of truth and charity. Truth, that which conforms to reality, and Charity that which informs reality.” The ceremony was conducted on June 24, 1965, with the whole Korean Maryknoll Sisters community present. Mary adapted well to the Korean culture and people. One story is told about the sisters at a restaurant and Mary was being served her soup when a live eel jumped out of the pot of soup onto Mary’s plate! End of story and end of Mary’s having soup!!
Soon Mary was ready to get to work and she joined Sr. Gabriella Mulherin, M.M. in the Cooperative Education Institute for Socio-Economic Development. The main activity was to bring Credit Unions to all parts of South Korea. There are now more than 5100 active cooperatives in South Korea both rural and urban. For this role, Mary needed more study and she went to Sophia University in Tokyo, Japan, receiving a BS Degree in Sociology in 1969. This enabled her to continue with the educational aspects of the Institute, do the finances as well as travel all over Korea in ox-carts and leaky boats!
In 1973, Mary requested permission to return to the States to care for her Mother who was gravely ill. Mary returned and lived at the Center assisting in various jobs and caring for her mother.
During this time Mary was asked to join the Admissions/Orientation team and she stayed in that position until August, 1977. To assist her in this work she attended a Clinical Pastoral Education Program in Islip, NY. Upon completion of her work in Admissions/Orientation, Sister Barbara Hendricks wrote: “I hope you realize the significance of what you have done these years and your willingness to pitch in and give your time and talents and energy. You gave us courage to face things we have to face and we feel new hope and new life stirring up.”
In all of this time, Mary kept in touch with the Korea region in hopes of a return, but that was not to be. In April 1977, she transferred to the Center and attended the Core Theology Program at the Maryknoll School of Theology. In 1978, Mary was elected as a delegate to the Eleventh General Assembly. Soon after, in 1979, Mary was assigned to be Center Administrator for the Maryknoll Sisters Complex, a position she held for six years.
In a welcome to new members of Congregation Service (CS), Mary said: “The challenge to us here in CS and in the Center Communities is to bring the depth and breadth of our missionary faith-life to the living, working and celebrating events of our Congregational Center. CS in many ways is a hidden ministry, no cameras, no Orbis books written, no Maryknoll Magazine interviews. CS is a ministry of service to the Congregation, service to our own sisters, and service to the peoples in mission around the world we will never meet. To those of you coming to CS, we see you as representing the beauty and the struggle of your Regions. You represent the depth of your personal and Regional commitment to mission, to community and to service. We are enriched by you and we thank you. We are your Maryknoll Sisters struggling to walk the walk in the Reign of God. Let us do it together!”
With the completion of the Maryknoll Sisters Nursing Home at the Center, Mary was assigned in 1986 as the Assistant Administrator to Sr. Theresa O’Connor, SC, LHNA, while she complied to fulfill the requirements to become a licensed administrator in NY State. She completed the requisite one hundred hours at the Jewish Home and Hospital for the Aged in New York City, and a six months internship at the Cabrini Nursing Home in the Bronx. Mary passed the New York State exam, and received her State license in December 1986 and was appointed as the full time Administrator of the Maryknoll Sisters Nursing Home, Inc. Mary continued as Administrator of both the Maryknoll Nursing Home and Residential Care Facility until October 2001 (15 years of service).
A story is told of Sr. Gabriela returning from Korea in poor health. Mary saw to all of her needs without a word, but with deep love as she did with all in the nursing home. Another said of Mary, “you have the ability to inspire others to work happily toward a common goal, the support and care of the residents as well as the staff. You are warm and compassionate to the residents and firm but kind to the staff. “
After a renewal period in 2002, Mary was asked to serve as the Executive Secretary for the President and Vice President of the Congregational Leadership Team. When she completed this term in 2009, the Congregational President, Sister Janice McLaughlin, wrote, “Your respect for confidentiality, your good humor, your warm welcome, your presence as the person you are and your spirit as a Maryknoll Sister are your special contribution… and we are most grateful.”
During these years, Mary was always on call for her family, as her sister Jean and her brother Richard suffered from illness. Mary would visit and help in any way she was able. Then her sister Ann, who was Administrator of the VA Hospital in Brooklyn, was also stricken with illness. When Ann had to retire from her work due to the illness, Mary requested that she be given a place in our Nursing Home. This was granted and Ann was cared for by Mary and many others until her death. Mary bore these heavy burdens with great faith and trust in God and deep gratitude.
Mary had a short Renewal period in 2009 and then she was asked to work in the Maryknoll Mission Institute as the Business Manager. This she did faithfully for six years. She put all the business manager’s files in order and cleaned out all the old files. She was always ready to receive the participants and assist them. Her spirit of welcome, friendliness and humor were praised by all.
Mary became an active member of the Chi Rho community in 2018 taking part in all the meetings and caring for her neighbors. In July 2024, Mary was assigned to the Eden community due to illness. She had nothing but gratitude for the care and love shown her by the aides and nurses.
Today as we celebrate together and remember our dear sister Mary T., let us all join in and say, “Well done good and faithful servant, enter into the joy I have prepared for you.”
Mary left us with a beautiful Blessing from her favorite spiritual writer, John O’ Donohue:
“I arise today Blessed by all things, Wings of breath, Delight of eyes, Wonder of whisper, Intimacy of touch, Eternity of soul, Urgency of thought, Miracle of health, Embrace of God. May I live this day Compassionate of heart, Clear in word, Gracious in awareness, Courageous in thought, Generous in love.”