Sister Rose Fidelis Qualtere, MM
Born: September 23, 1926
Entered: October 5, 1946
Died: March 26, 1957
This morning shortly before eleven o’clock Sister Rose Fidelis died most peacefully. Sister’s strength had been declining for some time. When I saw her this morning, I said, “Soon will come the most beautiful of all days.” At this she tried to sit up, her eyes opened wide for a moment and a most beautiful smile lighted her whole face as she said, “I’m waiting for it.” She had less than three hours to wait.
This little incident is typical of the lovely spirit of union with God’s will which has characterized Sister Rose Fidelis’ long illness since her return from Nicaragua in March 1956.
It was thought there might be a treatment that could help cure her illness. Sister readily accepted and underwent this treatment. However, other medical conditions and additional illnesses, the treatment was not successful. Sister was then taken off the treatment and brought back to the Motherhouse infirmary last Christmas eve.
Since then Sister Rose Fidelis’ continuous cheerfulness has been a source of edification to all. Her smile, as it lighted up her face, will not soon be forgotten. We were not surprised, therefore, to find among her few possessions, a much worn leaflet entitled “Keep Smiling”, the story of a youth who died as a Seminarian.
Part of the hundredfold promised by Christ – over and above the heavenly graces – included for Sister Rose Fidelis the presence at the Motherhouse of three Sisters from her mission in Siuna – Sisters Concepta Marie, Margaret Therese and George Anthony. There were also frequent visits from her family in Kingston, New York.
The funeral will be Thursday morning at 9:30.
Professed April 6, 1949, Sister Rose Fidelis was assigned to Nicaragua in 1951 and after a year of language study spent four years in an isolated gold mine settlement in a mountain jungle where she gave herself unselfishly to teaching and catechetical work among some of the world’s most impoverished children, both materially and spiritually.
I know you will arrange to have the usual suffrage s offered and will urge the Sisters to keep our dear Sister Rose Fidelis in prayerful remembrance.
May the holy season of Lent continue to bring special graces to you all.