Jubilee is a yearly celebration at Maryknoll. It is a time to honor all members who have served in mission for 25, 40, 50, and 60 years (and beyond!). It is a celebration of the choice they made so many years prior, the lives they have touched, the work they have done, the strong bonds they have made with their communities, the struggles and triumphs they have faced, and the risk they took as they stepped into life as a missioner and discovered what over the years that would mean to them. Every year we celebrate these missioners who each have a unique story and a personal definition of what being a missioner entails. It is the combination of these beautifully lived lives that, together, create the ever expanding, surprising, and thriving narrative that is Maryknoll.

In 1978, Bishop Bill McNaughton simply stated:
“Twenty-five years ago, here at Maryknoll, each one of us was ordained, by Bishop Lane, to the Priesthood. Even though it was a rainy, dark day, it was a day of joy… Today, all of us feel similar joy and gratitude for the past 25 years of our Missionary Priesthood.”

To the jubilarians, may you always feel that same joy and gratitude as your mission work continues. A joy and gratitude that no doubt is ever increasing with each passing year and every new experience.

Congratulations to all of the Jubilarians this year!