The end of June and beginning of July have always been times of celebration at Maryknoll. The Society’s first Foundation Day celebration was on June 29, 1912, commemorating the first anniversary of its establishment in 1911. Foundation Day has been celebrated on every June 29 for decades, complete with picnics, special masses, and song.

Jubilarians, 1980
The end of June also marks the annual Jubilee celebration, which commemorates Society members on their anniversaries of ordination and oaths. Jubilee weekend is marked by class reunions, family get-togethers, large services, and a cookout. Members and their families from around the country gather at Maryknoll to celebrate 25th, 40th, 50th, 60th, and even 65th Jubilees!

Fr. Joe English MM and friends celebrate his 50th Jubilee, 1994

Jubilarians and Maryknoll Choir at the Jubilee Mass, 2003
Of course, no summer celebration would be complete without the 4th of July. Independence Day has always been special to Maryknoll, with Society members celebrating in missions all over the world. Parades, picnics, sports, and song are key components of a Maryknoll 4th of July. Here we take a look back at some of our members enjoying this summer tradition.
“We had the usual 4th of July celebration for MK-Rome, namely, ice cream for dinner.” ~ Collegio Maryknoll Diary, 1931
“The National holiday was celebrated with trips to the beach, San Diego, fireworks at the Coliseum, and a general relaxation for the entire day.”
~ Los Angeles Japanese Mission Diary, 1939