The eighth and final stop on the Maryknoll Sisters’ Walking Meditation brings you to the Good Shepherd statue located near the center of the grounds.

“Gaze at the sculpture and gardens.  Remember our oneness, not only with the past and present life, but with life yet to come.  Remember also that we have a responsibility to future generations.

Brothers and sisters in creation, on this day we make a covenant with you and with all creation yet to be:

  • With every living creature and all that contains and sustains you…
  • With all that lives on Earth and with the Earth itself;
  • With all that lives in the waters and with the water themselves;
  • With all that flies in the sky and with the sky itself.

We establish this covenant that all our powers will be used to prevent your destruction;
We confess that it is our own kind who put you at risk of death;
We ask your forgiveness, we ask your help, we ask for your trust that we will live by this covenant.”

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