Today, July 22, is the feast day of Saint Mary Magdalene. In honor of this patron saint of contemplative life, we share a few reflections from Sr. M. Bernadette Mathieu about her Contemplative life in the Maryknoll Cloister.
“I love the contemplative life so much that a certain joy and peace have prevailed even through times of physical suffering, or trails that the Community has gone through[…]
The particular way God has drawn me to live out my contemplative life is a very simple way. I have tried to LIVE IN LOVE, to be FAITHFUL TO MY LIFE OF PRAYER, remembering our Maryknollers in a particular way, and to DO GOD’S WILL LOVINGLY. I have also endeavored to be conscious of and follow all the regulations of our way of life.
Reflecting on Scripture and reading St. John of the Cross very faithfully have nourished my life of prayer.
God gave me a talent for music and singing. I experience within me what Psalm 147 expresses: ‘Sing praise to the Lord with thanksgiving'”
When asked what advice she would offer to younger Sisters, Sr. M. Bernadette remarked, “something which I have found nourishing and which I offer to you is to write out a daily offering — the same one to be used each day — that has deep meaning for you personally. It could include: a consecration, short prayers, particular intentions, etc. Saying this offering each day really imprints it in one’s heart.” And she stresses again, “for spiritual reading, I would recommend the works of St. John of the Cross. They are particularly appropriate for our way of life. Read them over and over again, for each time you read them, you will find something new to deepen your spiritual life.”

The Pioneers – First Cloistered Sisters, October 4, 1932
Standing (L to R): Sr. Marie Francois Combs, Sr. M. Rose Teresa McCullough, Sr. M. Christopher Naumann, Mother Mary Joseph Rogers, Sr. M. Magdalen Doelger, Sr. M. Dominica Gallagher, Sr. M. Rosalie Weber, Sr. M. Letitia Stephenson; Sitting (L to R): Sr. M. Rosaleen Hampson, Sr. M. Bernadette Mathieu, Sr. M. Irene Sullivan