On this National Day of Prayer we invite you to take a moment and reflect on these prayers written by members of the Maryknoll community.
Prayer For Peace and Hope
Oh God in Heaven,
I know You are the God of hope…
I often feel not the joy and peace You offer
Often hope is distant in my heart
Today I acknowledge that I need You.
I need Your hope in my heart and I need Your filling.
Help me to do my part and trust in You
Help me to trust You to give me hope, joy and peace
Your Holy Spirit brings.
Increase my faith so I can trust fully despite the doubts in my life
Fill me by the power of Your Holy Spirit
I don’t want to just survive or just get by…I want to overflow
Your Holy Spirit has the power to pour peace and joy into my weary soul
I trust you today with all the circumstances of my life
Thank you that I can come to you, my God of Hope!!
(Maryknoll Affiliate)
Dear Lord, grant that all the sick may find
consolation in your Cross. Those infirm in
body are united in You in a special way that
the rest of humanity cannot understand.
Help them from their bed of pain to offer
all their own sufferings for the Holy church,
and for all the souls that need their prayers.
And grant the sick, Lord, healing and peace.
We pray all this through the Immaculate
Heart of Mary, our beloved Mother, who is
with all her sick sons and daughters to give
them special love and care.
(Father Kevin Hanlon, MM)
Beloved God,
This little moment we would spend with Thee
in gratitude for a lifetime of little moments.
I would thank Thee for Thy Spirit
breathing in me, directing me to follow the flow of Freedom.
I would thank Thee for Thy Promise,
fulfilled in me, assuring me
of Thine abiding Presence.
I would thank Thee for Thy faithfulness
strengthening me, upholding me
in Compassion’s trustworthy arms,
I would thank Thee for Thy Providence
sheltering me, reminding me
of Thine eternal Abundance made available to me.
I would thank Thee for Thy Life,
extended in me,
extended in all Thy children,
each Thine own original creation.