For this month’s blog post I decided to highlight another of the Archives’ exhibits that we had installed outside our offices at Maryknoll’s Society Building in New York. This exhibit, Serving the Mission: Maryknoll Brothers at Work, was originally displayed in 2018.
“At the home Knoll they work as mechanics, electricians, carpenters, painters, masons, gardeners, dairymen, [and] drivers… Brothers understand well that they truly serve the mission cause wherever they may be when they give their best efforts to their appointed tasks. […] Maryknoll has a place for men of strong character and generous hearts…allow[ing] them, like St. Joseph, to serve…”
~ Bishop James A. Walsh

Bro. Rene Dawson was responsible for erecting the original crucifix in the Maryknoll Center Cemetery and again in erecting its replacement in 1975

“The feast of St. Joseph followed on Saturday and we all had a free afternoon. Well I thought I would do something worth the while for the welfare of the Seminary. So that afternoon I went down into the carpenter shop hunted up some tough straight grained wood to make up a goodly number of round [balusters] for the dish racks…I offered this up to Saint Joseph though I didn’t accomplish much, I felt a true happiness cover over me…”
~Bro. Paul Chamberlain