Recently, the Archives’ staff was invited to attend the reopening and blessing of the Sisters’ newly updated kitchen. It was a beautiful day for the occasion and the feeling in the area where the Sisters and employees had gathered was as happy and inviting as the day outside. The group broke out into song right before the ribbon was cut and then everyone filed inside. After the sparkling kitchen was filled, the blessing took place. Then, with sage leaves dipped in holy water, the Sisters blessed the different groups who had helped make the renovation possible, whether by moving heavy equipment, installing the new materials, rotating dining locations throughout the building or preparing meals in the midst of all the changes. You could feel the happiness and pride in the work that had been done! The kitchen gleamed and every last detail had been addressed. The bakery, which is a separate room right next to the kitchen, felt like home. Decorating the walls throughout the kitchen were images gathered from the Archives and the Sisters’ photo library which added the perfect touch to tie the present space to the past. The event concluded with a unique recitation of the Hail Mary where everyone spoke it in the language they felt most comfortable. With a room full of missioners who have worked all over the world, many languages were represented. The intertwined sounds of this simple act of prayer were so beautiful to hear.
Please enjoy some of the images that the Archives provided for the kitchen which, through love of cooking, helps bring the Sisters and those visiting closer together.
For some delicious recipes from the Sisters’ Cloister cookbook please view our related post titled “Cooking at the Cloister.”