During these unprecedented times, the onsite exhibits that we have created cannot to be seen by anyone. So we thought, why not bring them to you?!
To begin, we would like to invite you to take a deep breath, clear your mind and take a moment to “Stand Still and Consider God’s Wonders.”

Statue surrounded by flowers

“Can we learn from the rhythm of nature to stop and be still when we are feeling overwhelmed? Can we eat outside under the trees rather than in a crowded, noisy cafeteria?

On the nature trail at the Maryknoll Ecological Sanctuary in the Philippines

On the nature trail at the Maryknoll Ecological Sanctuary in the Philippines

Can we go for a walk or sit alone, resting our eyes and our brains? Can we listen to the birds and watch the squirrels at play rather than reading a book or a newspaper? Can we take time out, morning and evening, to say thanks to the Creator for the gifts of each day? Can we just take time, instead of rushing and running through our lives?”

Sr. Janice McLaughlin


Crucifix in the Fall

The Word Painter

I plan to go outdoors next week,
When autumn trees are at their peak,
I’ll bring a canvas stretched and blank,
Set my easel on the bank,

Look down upon the elms and oaks,
Where dance the crimson fairy folks,
That he who paints with words perceives,
But those who have no oils call leaves,

And try to match my skill with God’s,
Over against insuperable odds,
Content when words and oils have dried,
I failed but not for having tried.

by Fr. Richard Aylward

Pink flowers
Blooming flowers and sky
Flower and Bud
Sledding Group
Our Lady of the Thorn Crowned and Global Granite Memorial Statues

“April showers do their silent work, and presently the stage is set for an upheaval of verdant life that changes our dull round of hibernating existence into an enchanted adventure overnight. Miracles surround us, and we walk at least half on air as we tread the magic carpet of tender green that suddenly unrolls beneath our feet. The green spreads, climbs, riots everywhere. Buds peep out. The whole drab land is busily engaged in weaving the graceful tapestry of leafy bloom that is to festoon it in beauty for the new day.”

Bishop James E. Walsh, 1943

Winter Silence 

Snow soft and white
     Blanketing the earth.
Barren trees with sculptured beauty
     Reaching to the skies.
Birds, some familiar, some just passing through
     Scurrying here and there for hidden food.
Cool, clear air chapping cheeks,
     Needing scarves and gloves
New buds, new branches ever forming
     Unseen and in silence.
From life to death to new life
     A season of Resurrection!

by Sr. Helen Phillips

Lake Titicaca
Lake Titicaca

“We lurched along the above-mentioned crazy, twisted streets, passed through the “eyebrow” to El Alto, and soon reached the altiplano and Titicacan shore. The scenery is absolutely beautiful – gorgeous rolling green hills, the varied blues of the lake – from the clearest aquamarine to deep, sparkling sapphire to midnight blue – dotted with green islands and patches of sandbars. Towering, snow-capped mountains complete the scene.”

Lay Missioner Elizabeth Hamilton
at Lake Titicaca, Bolivia, 1998

“We camped out close to the lake that night and the next two nights at two other different spots. The silence, the stars, the open space as far as the eye could see were simple but majestic reminders of this beautiful creation called Earth that God has entrusted to us. We saw many wild beasts, zebras, Thompson gazelles and even ostriches along the way. Also there were hundreds upon hundreds of flamingos and pelicans covering the lakeshores like a pink and white fast moving cloud.”

Lay Missioners Alejandro, Sascha,
and Al Bermudez -Goldman in Tanzania, 1991