With the memorial of Our Lady of the Rosary on October 7th, it is no surprise that October is the Month of the Rosary. During this month, we “honor the Blessed Virgin Mary in gratitude for the protection that she gives the Church in answer to the praying of the Rosary by the faithful.” (udayton.edu) It is a time for us to remember to let go of all our daily distractions and pray the Rosary. Pray the Rosary and reflect within its meditation on the mysteries.
“Teach us, dear Mother, to understand that we need not always know the plans of God. Take from us any ambition for self in the victory of your Son, and teach us that we must have a ministry of years of faith and effort; maybe years of suffering; maybe years of peace. And teach us, Mother, not to be like those disciples so quick to expression, so anxious to reach out to obtain the prize. Teach us to be like you, acting in God’s will, always true and faithful, and wanting nothing – except God.”
I’ve also selected one reflection for two of the mysteries (Joyful & Sorrowful) from “I Live the Rosary” by Sr. Louise (Maria Giovanni) Trevisan, MM:
“The First Joyful Mystery: The Annunciation
‘Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women.’ So spoke the Angel Gabriel, bringing the ‘good news’ to the Virgin Mary, asking her to be the Mother of Jesus. Mary answered, ‘Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it done to me according to thy word;’ and the Son of God became man by the power of the Holy Spirit. It was a joyous moment for all the world.
In the Rosary, I lovingly repeat the greeting addressed to Mary by the heavenly messenger. In the mystery of the Annunciation, I see how God showed His great love for me and for each one of us by sending His Divine Son to live among us. I see, too, Mary’s wholehearted co-operation with everything God planned for her and for the salvation of all mankind.
Grace comes to me each day – not in in the appearance of an angel, but through the hard things and the happy things that are part of every day. Like Mary, I can say, ‘Yes,’ to God, by co-operating gladly with every grace that may be offered to me this day.”
“The Third Sorrowful Mystery: Jesus is Crowned with Thorns
God had made all things good, but sin spoiled them. Our Blessed Lord paid the price of their renewal by His own suffering. Every sin that had ever been committed, and every sin that would ever be committed, had a share in the horrors endured by Him during the long, cruel hours of His passion.
Here, I see Jesus mocked and crowned with thorns. He is ridiculed and spat upon. A reed has been thrust into His hand as a symbol of insult and derision. That sacred head surrounded with piercing thorns is making amends for our mean and envious thoughts; for our hatred and jealousy; for our many sins of pride; for our haughty words and deeds. Jesus is silent. With quiet dignity, He is suffering for my own sins and for those of all people of every race and nation in the world.
Dear Lord, help me to be patient with the difficult things that come to me today, remembering the pain You bore for me. Let my tongue hold back criticism or complaint, so that I may imitate Your own great silence in the hours of Your agony.”
May these reflections offer you new ideas or reminders of things to contemplate during this Month of the Rosary. If you are looking for additional information on the Rosary, each entity of Maryknoll provides a helpful resource on their website:
Maryknoll Fathers & Brothers
Mission Rosary
Maryknoll Sisters
Pray the Rosary with Us
Maryknoll Lay Missioners
Our Lady of the Rosary