On September 7, 1918, four Maryknoll priets left for the Society’s first foray into the foreign missions. Co-Founder Father Thomas Frederick Price, Father Francis X. Ford, Father Bernard F. Meyer, and Father James Edward Walsh set out for Yeungkong (Yangjiang), China, traveling by car, train, steamship, sailboat, and foot. It was the most exicting time of their lives, and using their diaries and letters, we can follow their story over 100 years later. Please click on the photos to enlarge and view captions.

The first leg of the missioners’ journey, from Maryknoll to Yokohama, Japan
Maryknoll, my Maryknoll, goodbye! We shall probably never see you again, and as we parted that night we knew that we should never behold again in this life the faces of some at least of those through whose of love of God and one another you have been to us really ‘Mary’s knoll!’… But the same love that now calls us away brought us to know you and so we go, with grief for the parting but rejoicing in the unity and purpose that you have given us This parting, even, is only a physical one. United by love of Christ and souls we shall be ever one in heart and deed, depending on one another, bound together by an invisible but potent bond that even death cannot break, that will be only strengthened the other side the grave.

Highlights from Father Price and Father Ford’s Journey
Highlights from Father Meyer and Father Walsh’s Journey

For more information about Maryknoll’s early work in China, see the Maryknoll Mission Archives’ collections of Mission Diaries and China Mission Records.
2021 marks 103 years of the Maryknoll Fathers & Brothers mission work in Asia and the Pacific islands. In addition to China, the Society has worked in Hong Kong (1920), Korea (1923), the Philippines (1926), Japan (1933), Taiwan (1950), Indonesia (1974), Bangladesh (1975), Western Samoa (1976), Nepal (1977), Thailand (1983), Cambodia (1990), Vietnam (1992), and Myanmar (2006).