Just like any non-profit organization, the Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers sends out periodic mailings to donors in the hopes that those receiving the appeals will find Maryknoll’s cause worth donating to.  Below are some of the Valentine’s Day mailings from the 1980s and 1990s that the Society produced.  They usually included a letter written by the head of the Development Department, a card, and a form to be completed by the donor with the amount they would be sending back to Maryknoll.  I hope the words sent out over thirty years ago still ring true today.


Valentine Appeal Letter, 1985
Valentine Appeal, 1985
Valentine Appeal Card, 1985


Valentine Appeal Letter, 1986
Valentine Appeal, 1986
Valentine Appeal Card, 1986


Valentine Appeal Letter, 1990
Valentine Appeal Card, 1990
Valentine Appeal, 1990

Happy Valentine’s Day from the Maryknoll Mission Archives!